The show introduces aspects of Maurer’s early practice including graphic works, serial photographic works and structural films from the 1970s and 1980s. Maurer trained in graphic techniques, and in her graphic works she often examines the movement of markings left by different materials and production processes. Her works all share a preoccupation with structure, relativity of perception and exploration of the medium’s limits.
Juliet Bingham is curator of international art at Tate Modern.
ISBN | 9781849766548 |
Borító | Hardcover |
Kiadás éve | 2019 |
Kiadó | Tate Publishing |
Múzeumi kollekciók | Magyar Nemzeti Galéria |
Nyelv | English |
Oldalszám és illusztrációk | 112 pages, 100 colour and BW illustrations |
Szerkesztő(k) | Juliet Bingham |